多语言+ WordPress插件
Make your WordPress multilingual manually and automatically using Google API. Translate all the content and make your website accessible for users from all over the world!DescriptionMultilanguage...
销售: 2


Modern globalization trends help you to expand your activities beyond the borders of your country and work with buyers around the globe. 最大的障碍是语言障碍. 现在, it’s unnecessary to make different versions of the site for each country; install translation 插件s, and page visitors will receive accurate and up-to-date details of your offer.

安装只需要几分钟,效果却能持续很多年. Get this outstanding and useful tool that adapts your texts for foreign visitors in one click. Thus, you save money and time while increasing the productivity of your resource.


Most websites are published in English; only about 25% of 互联网 users speak English. This means that most 互联网 users are forced to translate resources because their content is written in a language they do not understand.

通过调整您的网站以适应各种语言, you boost the user experience for international users and create an accessible environment for people worldwide. It has proven to enhance 搜索 engine rankings and brings valuable traffic.

作为一个WordPress用户, you can adapt the content and expand your site's reach with the multilingual WordPress translation 插件.


此目录中的所有项目都是面向用户的. 他们为网站所有者和访问者提供了最大的利益. 检查它们的主要特征:

  1. 易于安装. 您将快速下载该文件到您的平台并安装它. The process is intuitive and understandable even for beginners in creating and customizing websites.
  2. 详细的文档. 以及安装文件, the package contains a user manual and a complete 描述 of the product's functionality.
  3. 大量预装语言. 您将收到所有通用语言的演示文稿. 除了, some 项目 support downloading additional language packs. You'll select the desired countries and install the necessary add-ons.
  4. Possibility to add an extension icon to the menu and insert a widget on the main page. Visitors will see the widget on your site page or switch the language in the menu to read the information.
  5. 兼容所有流行的编辑器. 不管你喜欢什么样的网站建设平台, 您可以在常用的编辑器中处理模块或扩展.

令人印象深刻的? Then find products for your platform and check out the complete list of outstanding features. 在获得这些见解之后, you will have no doubts that you are purchasing a high-tech and modern solution. 在关于的文章中阅读更多关于这个主题的内容 最好的插件 你可以在Template怪物上找到.


使用一个模块或扩展, you must have basic skills in working with your site-building platform or a desire to understand the instructions. 所有的产品都尽可能的人性化, but the specifics of the CMS impose some restrictions and difficulties.

Regarding the scope of application, these products can be recommended:

  • 想要进入国际市场的企业家;
  • 内容创造者征服其他国家;
  • 国外送货的网上商店;
  • 博客和作家等等.


If you own a website or an online shop that is a success, the next stage is conquering new markets. 地理的扩展有助于达到一个新的水平, attract a new audience and increase sales of your goods or services:

  1. 在第一阶段,你应该决定一个合适的市场. The peculiarity of the target audience, development strategy, and marketing will depend on it.
  2. Buy and install a website translation solution for your target languages. It is useless to attract a new audience if users cannot get acquainted with your offer. Make sure you use the best possible solution to provide the full and correct presentation.
  3. 下一步是分析竞争对手和目标受众. Find out if companies in the chosen area sell the same range of products. 买家需要这些产品吗?
  4. 了解你的竞争对手有助于进入一个新的市场. 但目标受众扮演着更重要的角色. Success depends on the depth of the study: "Is the product interesting in the selected region?、“它能解决客户的问题吗??、“可以通过销售情感来促进吗??"
  5. 顾客的舒适应该放在第一位. A person has a psychological barrier if they need to convert the cost of goods into local currency. In the online store, it is mandatory to indicate prices in the currency used in the selected country. 除了, 需要分析本地支付服务, 找出最受欢迎的, 把它们连接起来. The more convenient for the users to find out the price and pay for the purchase, 他们就越愿意这么做. 你可以找到很多 营销的插件,确保卓越的用户体验.

Apply the complex strategy and treat crossing the borders responsibly. These recommendations will help you avoid mistakes in the beginning and present the business in foreign countries. 如果你在这方面需要帮助,请按顺序来 专业服务 为您的网站优化和推广.


将客户的用户体验保持在最高水平, 你需要综合的措施, 不要单独翻译. 你必须考虑所有的因素. 在这个视频中, you will learn the psychological laws of perception that will help make your resource even more successful. Build a perfect and remarkable resource applying scientific knowledge.



选择合适的商品并购买. After receiving the add-on, unpack, install, and activate it the same way as other WordPress 插件s. Configure the parameters according to the documentation received in the order package. 您的网站已准备好欢迎外国访问者! 你可以查看扩展 知识库 获取更多信息.


不,每个产品只能使用一种资源. 如果您需要在多个站点上集成自动翻译, 请重新购买分机.


Depending on the product type, you can download it for free or with a 35% discount with a 怪物ONE订阅. This is a significant benefit; you get a valuable tool while saving money.


具体数字因产品而异, but all extensions from this portfolio provide translations in the most common languages. 有些项目包括80多种变化!