获得最大从您的在线商店与这个强大的武器Magento主题. Thanks to a clean and responsive layout it ensures splendid performance on both desktops and mobile devices. This...
Sales: 20
Support: 3/5
使用这个主题来建立一个强大的在线军事商店或任何其他类型的商店. 它具有极简主义的布局,确保可读性和清晰度. 超级菜单和高级搜索提供了伟大的...
Sales: 31
Support: 3/5
旗帜通常被认为是国家和身份的象征. They represent the history of ones' country and hanging these inside or out your home is a true way to show your civic...
Sales: 1
Support: 3/5
This Society & 人Magento设计是响应它是什么?Responsive design means that the website page adjusts its size and shape to suit any specific screen, 从最小的手机到...
Sales: 3
Support: 3/5
This Catholic Magento Template is a smart choice to build an online shop with religious items. Thanks to its responsive design, an e-store will have an impeccable look on any screen, be it a...
Sales: 12
Support: 3/5
这个新娘沙龙Magento主题是搜索引擎友好是什么?That's a element that helps to satisfy all visitor and search engine expectations and achieve ranking positions in the search....
Sales: 3
Support: 3/5
这是一个经典的, responsive Magento theme featuring traditional wedding attributes such as a tender color scheme and a lot of white space. 它的设计还拥有一个巨大的背景图像...
Sales: 19
Support: 3/5
这个模板是为婚礼商店设计的. 作者使用柔和的色彩和漂亮的图像, 赋予婚礼礼服一种天真的主题设计. 滑块显示华丽...
Sales: 27
Support: 3/5
这个军事Magento设计是响应它是什么?Responsive design ensures that the web page adjusts its shape and size to fit almost any screen, 从最小的手机到最大的手机...
Sales: 8
Support: 3/5
There are two factors people take into account when choosing the right holster for their firearms. The first one is the ability to ensure secure capture of their weapons, while the other one is all...
Sales: 15
Support: 3/5
This responsive Wedding Supplies Magento Theme is centered around contemporary design approach, spruced by engaging color scheme to create a solid basis for website offering wedding products. It's...
Sales: 33
Support: 3/5
如果你正在寻找一个专业的设计来建立你的打印商店, 考虑这个Magento主题的一个选项. 它非常时髦,同时又非常实用. 由于没有任何...
Sales: 44
Support: 3/5
In the preparation for a wedding day people turn off their legs to find all the necessary garments, accessories, decorations, 以及其他类似的东西. 网上婚庆店种类繁多...
Sales: 32
Support: 3/5
这个政治选举Magento的主题是响应它是什么?响应式设计在任何屏幕尺寸上都能很好地呈现网站页面. 为什么好??响应式网站设计有助于...
Sales: 1
Support: 3/5
这个政治选举Magento主题是搜索引擎友好是什么?Search Engine Optimized design templates were made to bring in internet users and web engine bots to your web business....
Support: 3/5
不管你的公司有多大,你都需要一张像样的名片. It's not just a piece of paper with contact details on it but a part of a brand identity. 像这样的小事...
Sales: 7
Support: 3/5
No matter what the company working field is, it should have a strong brand identity to be a success. 名片在品牌建设中扮演着重要的角色. 具有专业的主题,精心设计...
Sales: 7
Support: 3/5
婚礼是你一生中最期待的日子. 让它令人难忘,令人兴奋, 你应该注意每一个细节, 婚礼请柬是其中必不可少的一部分. 售卖特别卡片...
Sales: 30
Support: 3/5


如今,每个企业或公共项目都需要在线展示. Not being online means deliberately giving up a major share of your possible customers, 如果你做生意是为了赚钱,这是不可接受的. Therefore, you need an interesting web design that can be easily customized to look fresh and show viewers you are adaptable to changes. Templateog体育首页's offer of society and people Magento themes promote a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, 吸引新的潜在客户. Easy to implement and configure, these layouts are perfect for a fully functional online store!


Each cultural Magento template from this collection follows a series of guidelines to be modern, 优雅的同时又吸引人. 现代功能支持良好的内容组织, 高质量的图像, 很棒的内容展示. 因此,代表主题的主要特征是:

  • 简单优雅的配色方案促进了易于阅读和视觉化的内容. The layouts support video integration that allows users to see your work in detail and thus improve the general user experience.
  • Social options and search engine friendliness increase your site's position in search engines and improve your online presence through social media.
  • HTML and JS visual effects make a website more dynamic by implementing animations that give a modern flair to the design.
  • A fully responsive nature guarantees that all your site's elements will work correctly when viewed from a mobile device.
  • 伟大的定制可能性允许您创建一个独特的设计为您的网站.
  • 每个模板都有良好的文档,并提供免费的24/7支持.

Browse these amazing web designs today and select the best to support your cultural and social online efforts!



  • NGO
  • 社会团体
  • help centers
  • 社交活动博客

你的网站将帮助人们找到有关税收的信息, deductions, 以及其他与政府部门或公共组织有关的话题.


Ecommerce social relationship templates are pre-built designs that you can customize to suit individual needs. They have a predetermined look and feel but allow for more flexibility in the layout and design.

Equally important, themes are a cost- and time-effective way to build an eCommerce website. They allow you to create an online store with a professional look and feel without designing a site from scratch. Indeed, templates feature common elements such as headers, logos, footers, navigation bars, etc. This makes it easier for your team to build your webshop without reinventing the wheel.



是的,社交互动Magento设计可以帮助您与搜索引擎优化. 他们有有效的seo优化代码, 这将使您的网站更容易与谷歌serp排名更高.


These e-commerce social activity group templates support multiple currencies out of the box (USD, GBP, EUR), 这意味着你不需要安装第三方扩展来使它工作. 当您创建新目录并指定它将使用的货币时, 系统将自动转换所有价格为您的客户相应.


如果你正在寻找一个公共组织Magento设计值得你的时间和金钱, 你应该选择有偿资产. 该领域的专家专业设计这些主题. 它们还提供客户支持和免费更新. 相比之下,免费赠品仅用于教育目的. 它们的功能有限,没有客户支持.


假设您希望将您的在线商店提升到一个新的水平. In that case, 你应该考虑订购额外的服务, 例如商店定制服务, Installation & 设置,店面页面设计,页面SEO等.


We have collected 10+ useful tools for your State Society Magento stores that will help you to increase sales and improve customer experience. 观看视频,选择你的完美方式来提高转化率. Suitable for NGO, 社会团体, help centers, and 社交活动博客 Magento projects.