Galfilter Wordpress插件
Galfilter is the gallery type wordpress plugin which is consist of custom post type gallery and filter of each category. 这个galfilter插件将在安装后生成一个小部件和一个侧边栏区域...

PrestaShop模块 by RockThemes

Spice up your store`s homepage with handpicked products from different categories, 排列成响应式旋转木马. 类别产品是一个简单的模块,允许您从...
Sales: 16
Support: 4.1/5
Zemez Featured Products Extension is developed to mark some particular products as featured and display them on the Home Page of your store. 这个扩展的目的是吸引更多的关注...
Support: 4.1/5
Lookbook PrestaShop模块
向顾客展示你的产品在使用时的样子.g. 模特身上的衣服,室内的家具等等. 你可以用热点标记每一个广告项目. 它将打开一个带有产品的弹出式块...
Sales: 14
Support: 4.1/5
Improve your customer engagement by letting them creating collections of your products and share them in social networks. 使用这个模块,您可以让注册客户组合他们喜欢的...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.1/5
Make the products stored in the assortment look more attractive on the site in non standard layout. Simple module that allows displaying products of sel ected categories in non standard layout on...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5
Enrich navigational options of your store by adding a related products section with the help of this TM Related Products module. 感谢这个模块的相关产品将显示在您的...
Sales: 2
Support: 4.1/5
揭示你的产品背后的品牌,以增加更多的兴趣,你的商品. The module allows you to display the information about manufacturers of your products right on the front page. You...
Sales: 18
Support: 4.1/5
产品经理是为拥有大量产品的商店创建的. 17种有用的产品操作选项可供您选择. 您可以使用少数几个对您的产品进行组更改...
Sales: 7
Support: 4.1/5


Previously, there was no such abundance of tools for sellers or sales departments. Today, you can build your work and effectively adjust the processes of registration and delivery of goods online. 在插件产品管理的帮助下,这非常简单. You'll find unique options for optimizing work processes in the list of valuable elements. Deliver food, book hotel rooms, 快速更改商品价目表, 并添加内置搜索过滤器的网站与这些奇妙的帮助, helpful, 基本元素. Templateog体育首页 is always ready to help with the most exciting goals and tasks for business development. 在我们的市场上购买!


templatemmonster道具一直很受欢迎. 始终如一的高质量和丰富的品种使市场受欢迎. After all, most business owners know that Templateog体育首页 gives a solution to almost any problem.

这个页面上的项目是多种多样的. 然而,我们挑选出以下几点,因为它们有宝贵的好处:

  • Admin Panel. 这对买家来说更容易管理, 配置和编辑,如果一个web开发人员正确设计的过程.
  • Simple settings. Web developers always try to make their plugins available for mastering and management. 如果他们愿意,即使是初学者也能弄清楚.
  • Free support. 服务给你信心. After all, when you know who to turn to in a difficult situation, the settings become a joy.
  • Responsive. 对任何设备的适应性是成功企业的必要条件. 这一点尤其适用于网上商店. 毕竟,现在很多人都用智能手机下单. 如果你不想念这些观众就好了.
  • eCommerce. 此功能适用于不同的项目. After all, improving the efficiency of order processing and the sales department work is one of the priority goals.
  • Bootstrap. With the help of its vast list of tools, you create a stunning, stylish, and modern website.
  • HTML5.
  • Drag and Drop content. Just take the picture with the computer mouse and place it immediately on the page. 忘记编辑网站代码的冗长和耗时的过程.



首先,你会看到客户之间的在线商店. 激烈的竞争促进了企业的发展. 这就是为什么所有的主管都在努力缩短下订单的时间, 让顾客更容易找到合适的手机型号或衣服.

Secondly, manufacturers of goods that are not spontaneous purchases also buy Templateog体育首页 extensions. After all, 多亏了一个组织得当的网站, 用户甚至可能对钢铁生产感兴趣, metal rolling, 或者机械工程.

第三,不同的服务公司也在我们的市场上购买. 他们在外观和功能上添加了独特和不寻常的创意部分. 这让他们能够更快地获得忠实的观众.

Fifth, a b2b firm buys some blocks or functions to demonstrate the ready-made look of their service. For instance, a printing business places the block with the ability to make a model with a branded T-Shirt. The potential customer can create the project and send the task to the printing company.



首先,你需要确定一个目标. 然后根据您的CRM系统和需求筛选列表. 看一下预览或演示. 欣赏所有的设施和外观. 在下订单之前,请记得检查兼容性.


我们的折扣制度清晰易懂. 去专柜大甩卖 by the link. 你可以看到不同的分类. 选择所需的一个,并发现哪些扩展是在今天出售. 请放心收到,因为明天打折的商品清单可能会有变化.


只需三步即可购买. 首先,把你喜欢的东西放进购物车. Then fill out the order form correctly and check whether you entered the correct contacts. 最后,保存数据并在线支付.


Please register using the link. 通过这种方式,您可以获得进行销售和上传新作品的帐户.