你想创建一个新闻网站来发布本地新闻吗? Maybe you'd like to create an international news portal and take it to the top?Joomla新闻门户主题将是不错的选择...
Sales: 205
Support: 4.1/5
News feed Joomla web template helps you make the information be more arranged and advanced. 如果你是传递新闻频道或在线新闻, 这是一个很好的主题来展示你的产品...
Sales: 28
Support: 4.1/5
Today's is a premium and features rich Joomla theme for magazines and newspapers. If you are in publishing business or just want to create eye catching news portal at minimal cost the theme is...
Sales: 79
Support: 4.1/5
Ready-made news portal Joomla website template will let you build a solid web presence without extra effort. This clean fully responsive template was thoroughly made for exhibiting a news portal,...
Sales: 11
Support: 4.1/5
Acquire this adaptive news feed Joomla theme to improve your business style on the internet. The template will successfully launch your news channel, news portal or top news on the net. This web...
Sales: 27
Support: 4.1/5


People used to read the daily newspapers that they bought every morning on their way to work. 现在,全世界都通过网络媒体阅读新闻. To this day, online portals are the fastest medium we can access at any time. There is nothing else to worry about for those of you who want to create a news website. Joomla是一个强大的免费网站引擎. 如果您准备了托管和Joomla新闻门户模板,那将是最好的. 如果你正在寻找一个有吸引力的设计为您的数字报纸, 这里我们提出了一些值得尝试的选择.


These premium news website templates come with easy-to-install and user-friendly options. Joomla news templates include CSS, HTML, images, language, and javascript directories. You can easily customize the 配色方案, fonts size, style sheet, 还有更多. 新闻门户网站Joomla模板的主要功能是:

  • 多亏了 parallax 效果,背景图像比前景元素移动得慢. This technique is being used more and more often because it looks spectacular and cool.
  • 新闻网站的设计是完全响应的,因为它提供 Bootstrap 兼容性. The developers use Bootstrap for frontend development and admin interfaces. Therefore, a site gets fast loading and is characterized by cross-browser and cross-platform. 你不需要对HTML3有深入的了解, CSS3, JavaScript, 和jQuery来使用这个框架.
  • 因为 惰载效应,网页只显示访问者看到的内容. 其余内容在用户开始滚动时加载. As a result, a site opens faster, which is very important for the bounce rate.
  • Megamenu 下拉菜单是否允许您添加内容和链接. 这些导航菜单包含图片和视频,而不仅仅是链接. They are used most often on bulky sites that provide large amounts of information. 例如,在新闻网站上.

这些都是灵活和移动友好的媒体网站模板. 它们提供了许多插件和附加组件,例如Google Maps, 触点形式, 通迅订阅, 管理面板, 还有更多. It also guarantees a fully customizable user experience by providing a drag-and-drop feature. And has several innovative features like multiple columns for more information, 下拉菜单, 还有一个图像滑动器. 此外, 它包括几个社交媒体兼容性扩展,如Facebook, Instagram, 和推特.


More and more companies create their website to be better than their competitors. There are a lot of different ways on how to build a perfect news blog website. 那么谁可以从使用新闻门户Joomla模板中获益呢?

  • 新闻门户网站,
  • 报纸,
  • magazines
  • 电视广播,
  • 新闻博客,
  • and more.


News portal web template holds the relevant structure regarding news websites. If you're looking for a simple and clean design suitable for all kinds of newscast sites, 那么这些主题正适合你. 模板具有完全自适应的界面, 搜索引擎优化(SEO)支持, 移动友好型设计. 他们是非常用户友好,快速和有效的.

有了这些功能模板, users can quickly build websites without the hassle of creating their themes from scratch. A ready-made web design includes multiple 配色方案s and editable stylesheets. It provides a flexible design, which is compatible with any browser and can be used on any device. It is a perfect solution for small and medium businesses that need an SEO-optimized web resource.

在这里展示的模板中,每日新闻块看起来占主导地位. It makes it easier for visitors when they want to focus on reading the news they want. 其他方块可以放在右边,左边,顶部,底部. Depending on the importance of the news content, you determine the size of this or that section. 响应式新闻门户设计完全配备了小部件, 因此,您可以轻松地管理您的站点,而无需了解任何编程代码.



这并不像看起来那么难. 你可以用模板做什么? 有了主题,你可以随心所欲地放置内容. 你可以改变布局, 配色方案, 图像和效果, fonts, 特定的解决方案, 在模板之间切换.


Please, enter free in a search box and check the list of free downloadable themes for the Joomla site. To get them, you will need to share the link on your social networks account. 从facebook、LinkedIn或Twitter网站中选择.




Please, join the live chat and ask a manager which discounts are available on Joomla news portal templates.

为什么要使用Joomla新闻博客主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

Watch a helpful video about the outstanding Joomla News Portal themes features. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, 还有更多 valuable opportunities to make your News Blog website project unique and successful!