这种多用途, 用户友好的主题是完美定制的书籍, 艺术与摄影, 设计, 商业及其他网站. 它干净的专业设计是可定制的,适合代表...
销售: 67
支持: 4.1/5
Vibrant 设计 and powerful functionality are the reason to try the 作家 Joomla template in action. This 设计 is quite appropriate to highlight your 书 or gallery of works on the web. 每一个...
销售: 10
支持: 4.1/5

纸星Joomla模板 by RockThemes

Paper Star是一款带有响应式模板的出版社Joomla, 无杂乱和易于导航的布局. Its 设计 is notable for a thought-out arrangement of square shapes whose bright...
销售: 6
支持: 4.1/5
This 电子书登陆页模板 is a professional adaptive solution. 它有壮观的动画和美丽明亮的设计. 通过使用它,你可以很容易地为你的网站建立一个登陆页面...
销售: 4
支持: 4.1/5


你有自己的书店吗,或者你正计划开一家? 或者你想要建一个图书馆? Well, in both cases, you'll need a website to attract your target readers. Don't hesitate to take a look at the super multifunctional benefits that 书 Joomla templates offer. These unique 设计s are developed to build sites quickly and inexpensively. 享受这笔赚钱的交易,并为节省时间而感到高兴!


  • 响应. 它在各种设备上提供了方便的体验. It means the same vision is seen qualitatively on devices, despite the resolution, format.
  • 下拉菜单. This interface element is a tool that displays on demand (when you click or hover). 这样的菜单提供了对站点主要部分的快速访问.
  • 谷歌地图. 一个很好的补充显示了您的组织在制图方面的地位.
  • 示例内容旨在作为内容创建的示例.
  • Admin panel is a component that visitors can't see, which is essential for managing the resource. It permits you to create, change and delete pages, sections, media content. 此外, 因为管理后端很方便, 快, 易于控制, another advantage is the opportunity to work with the tool being a human without programming skills and accurate knowledge.
  • 视网膜上准备好了. This setting makes images bright and sharp, improving the overall look of your site.
  • 快速入门包. 这是一个完整的演示站点, 整个Joomla包包含CMS, 模块, 组件, 配置, 必要的数据. 它可以用来翻新外观. 根据你的内容改变文字和图片的位置.
  • Parallax effect changes the apparent position of a considered object relative to the distant background when scrolling.


  • 引导 is a free HTML / CSS / JavaScript framework for quickly creating a 书 library Joomla template site. It allows creating interfaces that work in all popular browsers and render well on all the screen resolutions.
  • HTML5是一种构建和呈现内容的语言. 这是该标准的第五个版本,目前已经运行良好. The purpose is to improve the level of support for multimedia technologies while maintaining the readability of the code for humans and ease of analysis for 搜索 engines.
  • JQuery是一个快速、轻量级、功能丰富的JavaScript库. The advantages that the library gives when using it to write client-side scripts are extremely profitable. For instance, it allows writing code more compactly than in pure JavaScript. 除了, 这样写东西就容易多了, 例如, 例如操作DOM元素, 处理事件, 向页面添加动画效果, Ajax请求, 等.
  • Cross-browser compatibility says that web pages will display flexibly in all popular browsers.


Text书, children's literature, and business 书 are the most popular. Classic works always remain relevant to the reading public, especially schoolchildren. Therefore, the idea to create an online 书 catalog is appropriate and can bring good profits.


  • 增加忠实客户的数量
  • 吸引眼球的新产品和特别优惠
  • 增加购买数量

Who benefits from building a website for online reading or selling 书:

  • 线下书店(如.g.上架)
  • 网上书店
  • 图书借阅服务
  • 私营企业家(书商)


使用现成的Joomla图书库模板, 你可以开始在网上出售/租赁图书,而不用等待很长时间. Just download a theme and install it on your website to create a 书tore or library and promote it on the 互联网. To do this, you must have the Joomla web platform pre-installed on your domain. The detailed guides that come with the template packages will help you set up a site yourself. 除了, our 帮助中心 has many useful tutorials on installing and customizing themes and related CMSs. 如果您需要专业帮助,也可以og体育的服务中心.

Promote your web 书hop in 搜索 engines directly from the admin panel: set up meta tags, 运行上下文广告, 执行搜索引擎优化, 等. As a result, over time, target customers will find your site on the 互联网. 总结一下, creating an online 书tore or library is very easy with re设计ed solutions from the Template 怪物 marketplace.



总是. Predeveloped 设计s possess all the required elements to make them visible for all the current 搜索 engines and place them at the top of the results. It enhances your browsing experience on the 互联网 and increases the position of your 书 library Joomla website in 搜索 results. It's undoubtedly a great platform to get started in advertising and marketing and increase 搜索 rankings. It is much easier for web optimization professionals simply because some work has already been done.


你可以将Joomla的书籍用于教育目的, 库, 网上书店, 博客, 出版公司, 作家, 作者, 线下书店, 图书借阅服务.


是的,当然. 更多的 often than not, users access web content from a mobile device like a tablet or smartphone.


结账时系统会提醒你所有的额外费用. You will see a notification that you are charged a $2 handling fee (for 项目 over $10).

为什么要使用Joomla书店主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

观看有关杰出Joomla 书主题功能的有用视频. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, and much more valuable opportunities to make your Book Store website project unique and successful!